Foreign marriage and disputes

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Foreign marriage and disputes

Foreign marriage cases and the management of personal disputes that arise between the two parties are among the most important cases handled by the office of Ms. Nada Nasef, Lawyers and Consultants, as it carries out the procedures for documenting the papers required for foreign marriage, according to an official power of attorney in marital matters on behalf of both parties to the marriage or one of them to take all necessary measures to document the marriage contract of foreigners in Egypt in all relevant bodies, whether in the Ministry of Justice to carry out the necessary certifications from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or various embassies.

We also have all the solutions to document all foreign marriage contracts as quickly and accurately as possible. In addition to our specialization in procedures and drafting foreign marriage contracts, we also specialize in filing lawsuits to prove the marital relationship in which one or both parties are foreigners before family courts by filing a lawsuit to prove the marital relationship in the presence of the spouses or with a judicial agency that allows this.

Our office also manages cases and disputes in personal status cases and many other cases that concern the family in Egypt, whether it is an Egyptian family or one of the spouses is non-Egyptian, as we in the office have sufficient experience and full awareness of the appropriate solutions for such cases, ensuring that rights are returned to their owners in an easy manner, due to their great importance in the lives of our clients.

Law No. 103 of 1976 amending some provisions of Law No. 68 of 1947 regarding documentation specified a number of conditions and papers required of Egyptians wishing to marry foreigners, which may not be documented unless they are met.

The law clarifies that it is not permissible to document the marriage of Egyptians to foreigners if it becomes clear to the notary that the contracting parties do not have the capacity, consent, qualifications or authorities, or that the conditions are not met, or if the document required to be documented is clearly invalid, as the law requires the notary to refuse to document and notify the interested parties of the refusal by registered letter explaining the reasons for the refusal.

The law stipulates that the notary must, before taking the necessary steps to authenticate the marriage contract of foreigners, ensure that the required conditions and documents are available.

The conditions and required documents are:

  1. The presence of the husband and wife in person or by proxy allowing representation
  2. The presence of two witnesses in addition to the family stamp
  3. The age difference between spouses should be appropriate and should not exceed 25 years.
  4. The age of the husband and wife must not be less than 18 years.
  5. The foreigner’s residence in Egypt must be for a purpose other than tourism.
  6. Submitting a certificate from the foreign party (wife) wishing to marry from her embassy in the Arab Republic of Egypt stating her marital status, age and religion.
  7. Submit another certificate from the foreign party (wife) wishing to marry from her embassy stating that her country has no objection to the marriage.
  8. Five photographs of both husband and wife, size 4 x 6

Types of foreign marriage cases

  1. Foreigners’ Marriage in Egypt
  2. Procedures for Foreigners’ Marriage Contracts in Egypt
  3. Documentation of Foreigners’ Marriage Contracts in Egypt
  4. Authentication of Marriage Contracts from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  5. Authentication of Marriage Contracts from Embassies
  6. We facilitate all matters related to marriage in Egypt